Restore Low AMH and High FSH Levels To Boost Fertility

Restore Low AMH and High FSH Levels To Boost Fertility

Restore Low AMH and High FSH levels to boost fertility with DAD Ayurveda Medicine 

Ovarian Reserve – What are AMH and FSH?

DAD Ayurveda-Improve-Female-Egg-Quality

As a woman ages, her ovarian reserve decreases until she reaches menopause. Low AMH and High FSH are two female reproductive hormones that can be measured to indicate a woman’s ovarian reserve and therefore her fertility.

Every female is born with a fixed number of eggs. This is known as her ovarian reserve. As a woman grows older, her ovarian reserve decreases until she reaches menopause. Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are two female reproductive hormones that can be measured to indicate a woman’s ovarian reserve, and therefore her fertility. Lower AMH levels and FSH levels rise re-associated with reduced fertility. Recently AMH & FSH levels have also been used as an indicator of male infertility.

If you are struggling to conceive, it is normal for the DAD Ayurveda doctor to check FSH and AMH levels. 

What is FSH?

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is produced by the pituitary gland. The FSH levels in your blood are indications of the number of follicles in your body. Testing for FSH levels will help determine how many FSH hormones are present in the bloodstream, as the number of follicles decreases, the level of FSH increases. Usually drawn at the beginning of your menstrual cycle, the FSH level is used as an indicator of ovarian function.

High FSH Levels = Low/ Diminishing Ovarian Reserve

What is AMH?

AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone (Follicle-stimulating hormone) is a protein hormone produced by cells within the ovary. Testing for AMH will help determine the state of the ovarian reserve and how many eggs are left in the ovaries which allow for assessing fertility. AMH levels diminish with age; AMH levels observed in older women (generally over the age of 30 to 40) are lower. 

Lower AMH Levels = Lower/ Diminishing Ovarian Reserve

Generally, low AMH coincides with high FSH and both of these together is an indicator of low ovarian reserve.

“Lower AMH and highest FSH levels is an indicator of diminished ovarian reserve.”

Causes of Lower AMH and High FSH 

AMH naturally decreases with age, but some women are genetically predisposed to having low levels of AMH.

FSH levels rise with age; it is very common for FSH levels to be high if you are transitioning into menopause. 

Some research has suggested that lifestyle can also play a role in FSH and AMH levels Lifestyle factors that can reduce your AMH and FSH levels include:

  • Being overweight (BMI >25)
  • Smoking
  • Drinking caffeine or alcohol
  • Exposure to environmental toxins
  • Vitamin D deficiency

Symptoms of low AMH and high FSH 

There are no obvious symptoms, however; some have noticed irregular periods, absent periods for AMH, menopause, hot flashes, and headaches for FSH levels. The best way to diagnose is by getting a test for these levels. 

AMH and FSH Levels in Women

The highest levels of FSH and low AMH can be indicators of:

  • Poor ovarian function
  • Poor Egg quality 
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS)
  • Menopause
  • The presence of certain types of tumors in the pituitary gland

Lower levels of FSH and high AMH could mean that:

  • Low ovarian reserve 
  • Eggs are not being produced
  • pituitary gland dysfunction
  • The person is under significant stress
  • The person is severely underweight

AMH and FSH levels in men 

It is also necessary for men to have normal levels of the hormones, as FSH controls sperm production.

High levels of FSH and low AMH in a male could suggest:

  • Advancing age (male menopause)
  • Damage to testicles caused by smoking, alcohol abuse, chemotherapy, or radiation
  • Genetic problems, such as Klinefelter syndrome

Low levels of FSH and high AMH in a male could indicate:

  • Sperm is not being produced

Traditional DAD Ayurveda Medicine View of FSH and AMH

Traditional DAD Ayurveda Medicine takes a different view from that of western medicine when it comes to AMH and FSH levels. According to traditional DAD Ayurveda medicine (DAD), we are all born with a certain amount of a substance known as Tephrosia purpurea (सरफोंका) or “essence.” The quality of your Tephrosia purpurea (सरफोंका) is partially determined by genetics, but can also be either preserved or depleted by the lifestyle you choose. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and gentle exercise can all help to preserve Tephrosia purpurea (सरफोंका), while activities such as smoking and drinking alcohol cause it to deplete quickly.

Tephrosia purpurea (सरफोंका) is stored by your Kidneys, and like AMH, it naturally decreases with age. Tephrosia purpurea (सरफोंका) is also closely related to the Kidney which plays an important role in reproductive health. Therefore as Tephrosia purpurea (सरफोंका) and Kidney decline with age, your fertility does too.

Traditional DAD Ayurveda Medicine takes a holistic approach and looks to balance hormones and correct any imbalances at their source

Thus, increasing your fertility and in turn, increasing your chances of conception as opposed to targeting only FSH and AMH levels.  

Based on the DAD Ayurveda Medicine principles of Dhatu Majja balance four main clinical patterns are observed:

  • Stable blood stasis
  • Spleen and Kidney deficiency
  • Dhatu and blood deficiency
  • Spleen deficiency and excessive dampness

What does DAD Ayurveda Medicine therapy involve to restore AMH and FSH levels and enhance fertility? 

In DAD, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) levels are not seen as the cause of the fertility issues, but more the result of an underlDhatug imbalance. The aim of a DAD practitioner is, therefore, to help the body to function at its best, by restoring reproductive health and encouraging a balanced system.

Common methods include:  Fire Therapy, Cupping, Moxibustion, Herbal Tea, and Herbal Supplements

How do DAD Ayurveda Medicine methods work for AMH and FSH levels? 

We have treated thousands of couples who are struggling to conceive at our clinic: DAD Ayurveda Jaipur. Having treated couples for over 20 years we wanted to increase and share our knowledge and help other women who are struggling to conceive.

  1. Fire Therapy

Can Fire Therapy help low ovarian reserve? Fire Therapy can help repair hormonal imbalances and improve your reproductive potential, increasing your chances of a natural pregnancy. If you are undergoing  IVF, Fire Therapy can optimize your chances of success while supporting you physically and emotionally throughout the process. Fire Therapy stimulates nerves, muscles, blood vessels, and lymphatic systems while working to reduce stress by relaxing muscles, increasing blood circulation, and unblocking energy channels. Overall, it helps ovaries with all-natural healing aspects.

  1. Cupping

Cupping is excellent for detoxing. It reduces accumulated toxins by drawing them into the skin’s surface allowing them to be eliminated easily. These toxins include accumulated excessive blood clotting, fluid, and inflammation. It also helps to unblock energy channels that are related to follicle growth and egg production in the ovaries.

  1. Moxibustion

Moxibustion is herbal heat therapy, it transforms the warmth of Majja energy into ovaries and pelvic areas, increasing Spleen and Kidney energy levels. This ultra Majja energy works to boost vital flow, and blood circulation, and enhance the environmental condition for better egg growth. It also removes internal coldness or cold air, so moxibustion works to enhance the egg’s growth rate and quality of eggs. 

  1. Natural Herbal Medicine

DAD Ayurveda herbal medicines have a nourishing and balancing effect, normalizing the function of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Ovarian axis. DAD Ayurveda herbs nourish the spleen, liver, and kidney systems which are responsible for our reproductive health. DAD Ayurveda formulas are designed to produce nutrient-rich blood for the ovaries, which will better nourish the developing follicles and create better egg quality. The herbs help improve ovarian function and cause FSH to be secreted in the proper amount at the right time. DAD can be an effective way to restore reproductive health and balance the hormonal system, helping to increase your chances of conceiving naturally and even if you want to conceive naturally and Want to increase the success rate.

To help you get started, we’ve listed some of the most popular natural products we use in our clinics. You can find more information about each of the products and how they work on our website. Simply follow the link below.  We also offer a free consultation; just get in touch if you have any questions. 

Not sure how it works? Get help from our DAD specialists!


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