DIABETES MELLITUSDiabetes Mellifluous

Diabetes is a very common metabolic disorder in which there will be an abnormal increase in blood sugar levels. Diabetes can occur in different age groups but is usually seen after 40 years. It is one of the fastest growing disease. What is diabetes? It is a metabolic disorder in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the cells become resistant to insulin (i.e. the cells do not respond to insulin).

Diabetes is divided into 2 types:

Type 1 diabetes:

Will be insulin dependent because the beta cells of the pancreas do not produce insulin.

Type 2 diabetes:

Non insulin dependent How does diabetes happen? Insulin, the main hormone that controls the absorption of glucose from the blood into most cells after the carbohydrates from the most common food are digested, will be converted to glucose. Thus, during high glucose levels insulin is released from the pancreas, and it helps in absorbing glucose into the body cells for energy and storage. If insulin production is low or cells become insulin resistant, glucose is not absorbed by the body nor stored in the liver, thus increasing glucose in the bloodstream leading to increased blood sugar levels Is.

When the level is increased, there is incomplete absorption of glucose in the kidneys, and it remains in the urine resulting in glucosuria.

According to DAD Ayurveda

Excessive consumption of kapha-dominated food increases the root element kapha dosha, increases fat i.e. medo dhatu and ama is formed due to malfunction in the digestive fire, where the medo dhatu gets spoiled and the body gets destroyed. Increases. Body and it gets affected in the basti (urinary system) thereby increasing the production of urine.

DAD Ayurveda Management of Prameha:

According to Ayurveda, excessive consumption of kapha-dominated food increases the root element kapha dosha, increases fat i.e. medo dhatu and causes ama formation due to malfunction in the digestive fire, where the medo dhatu gets spoiled and the body gets destroyed. Increases.

Types of DiabetesBody and it gets affected in the basti (urinary system) thereby increasing the production of urine. Diabetes is considered to be one that is long-lasting throughout life and which can be maintained through diet and medication by balancing the hormones, bringing it back to a stable state and thus treating the root cause. Can be done. Apart from this, by balancing one’s life through diet, it can be controlled to an extent in future without any medicine.

DAD Ayurveda Multi-specialty Ayurveda Hospital not only focuses in controlling Prameha or diabetes but also helps in preventing the complications of diabetes that come with the help of various preventive medicines and treatments.