Panacea Water Treatment in Diseases

Panacea Water Treatment in Diseases

Panacea Water Treatment in Diseases (Hydrotherapy)

Panacea Water Therapy in Diseases

A body made up of five elements requires a lot of water. Water is also a nectar medicine. The medicinal value of water is so much that water therapy cures many diseases in a natural way. Naturopathic doctor: Three quarters of the body is water. We also take water in different ways.

Along with eating and drinking, water is also used for bathing, due to which our health remains intact. If the balance of water in the body is disturbed or if there is even a slight shortage of clean water in food and drink, then disease surrounds us. Many times, such diseases start troubling us, which are better treated with water only. This process is called hydrotherapy.

Which diseases are perfect?

The role of water is very important in diseases related to stomach. Water therapy is very effective in skin diseases, constipation, insomnia, fatigue, joint pain, epilepsy, diabetes, sugar and many other diseases. Another special thing is that it does not have any side effects.

Epileptic Seizures

Cause: Epileptic seizures are caused by a sudden electric current in one part of the brain. Usually epileptic seizures end in about 4-5 minutes. These seizures are very dangerous and sometimes the patient’s stool and urine also come out.
Symptoms: Pain in any part of the patient or curvature of the body, foaming from the mouth, sudden recovery after some time can be its symptom.

Treatment: Try to take the patient in complete confidence. Tie a wet towel on the head for 4-5 minutes. Slowly release the stream of water on the back. Soak both feet in water in a tub or bucket for 5-7 minutes. Do not let the body lack water.


Reason: Insomnia or lack of sleep is mostly due to mental reasons. Wrong eating habits, anxiety, staying up late at night, having gas in the stomach, heaviness in the chest, body ache, drinking more tea at night, consuming coffee etc.

Symptoms: Can’t sleep at night and spends the whole night turning sides. Sleep breaks out, can’t sleep again. On waking up in the morning, there is lethargy, tiredness etc. in the body.

Treatment: Take light meal at night. Use ventilated room and comfortable bed for sleeping at night. Take a bath before sleeping. While taking a bath, pour a stream of water on the tip.


Reason: Inflammation is not caused by minor diseases in the body. It arises due to loss of blood from the body or any other kind of weakness. Consuming saltier, sour, pungent substances in the food also causes this disease. Many times, due to consuming impure food, toxins are produced in the body, which leads to the problem of bloating.
Symptoms: Sometimes there is swelling and sometimes it gets better on its own. Due to swelling, the veins dilate, due to which colored veins begin to appear on the skin. There are tears in the body. This swelling occurs due to the imbalance of Vat, Pitta and Kaph.
Treatment: Take a Kati bath for 10 to 20 minutes. After that, wet the towel and rub it on the waist. Slowly release squirts of water on the swollen area.
gas builds up in the stomach
Treatment: When the amount of bile becomes more in the body and there is catabolism, then the patient should cure his stomach by vomiting. First of all, warm 5-6 glasses of water to drink. Add a teaspoon of salt to it. Now sit in Kagasan and drink water. Now walk for 5 to 10 minutes. After that, bend forward and make vomit. This is called kunjan kriya.
Benefits: It cures gas related diseases. The body is cleansed. You will feel much lighter.
Precautions: Persons with high blood pressure should do this only after consulting a doctor.

Relaxation Vapor Bath

Treatment: Make the patient sit on a chair to take a steam bath at home. Cover it from all sides with a blanket. Keep a cooker filled with water on a faraway gas stove. Remove the city and put a long pipe. Carefully place one end of the pipe under the patient’s chair. Before this, give a glass of water to the patient and keep a towel soaked in cold water on the head.

Benefits: Steam bath removes the scum of the skin. The pores of the body are opened. There is lightness in the body. Skin brightens. Pain is relieved by compressing the waist.

Precautions: Do not take steam bath if you have high blood pressure. If the heat is not tolerated, stop the treatment immediately.

Get Rid of Cold

Treatment: Jal-Neti kriya is beneficial to get rid of cold and flu. Take a pot, mix lukewarm water and 1/2 teaspoon salt in it, apply it in the nose and open the mouth and breathe out and remove the water from the other nostril.
Benefits: Jal neti gives relief from the problem of cold and flu. Eyes increase light. Hair does not turn white prematurely. Headache is cured.

To Improve Digestion

Method: Waist bath is very beneficial. Fill the big tub with water. Make the patient sit in the tub by taking off his clothes in such a way that water comes up to his navel. Place the patient’s feet outside on a table. Place a wet towel on the patient’s head and ask the patient to rub it around the navel by giving a cotton cloth. Give this therapy for 20 to 30 minutes.

Benefits: It improves digestion. Cures constipation, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, menstrual irregularities in women.

Benefits of water therapy in the treatment of diseases

Different remedies have been given in Ayurveda to avoid every disease. Due to which a person can remain healthy and energetic. One such therapy is known as hydrotherapy. Due to this the human body remains healthy as well as his life is also long. This was the reason that in our country from time immemorial, yogis and srishis used this natural medicine. One of the oldest systems in the world is water therapy.

Even today this system of medicine is very popular in Japan. Because it is no less than a medicine. So, don’t take water lightly. The human body is only 70 percent water. And in some way, this water can make you longevity, we are telling you about this.

Medicinal properties and benefits of water therapy for our health


If any kind of swelling has happened in your feet, then to get rid of it, keep water in a bucket warm and then add salt to it and put the swollen feet in it. Along with this swelling, pain also ends.
Increases eyesight – water therapy

Weakness of eyes can be removed. If you splash cold water on the eyes in the morning, it makes the eyes sharp.

To Remove Tonsils:

If you put a pinch of salt in warm water and gargle with it, then it not only removes the tonsils of the throat, as well as cures a bad throat.
Fluidity in Blood

Drinking water means that the mobility in the body remains intact, as well as the blood remains liquid.

Whooping cough:

Those who take bath with water every day never get whooping cough. If so, then she is fine too.

On Fever:

If the fever is high, then the troubled person should be given cold water every half an hour. This ends the effect of fever.


Whenever there is panic or if you are feeling nervous, then you take cold water and drink it comfortably. That is, drink it sip by sip. It doesn’t scare me.

Stomach Disease:

If there is a stomach disease, then you should keep water filled in a copper vessel during the night. And consume it empty stomach in the morning. Your stomach diseases will start to end.


If you want to remove obesity, then make it your rule to drink more and more water every day. This will not make you hungry. Because water fills the stomach. Due to which your fat starts decreasing quickly.


Water cleans our kidneys. Therefore, the more water you consume, the healthier and clean the kidneys will be.


Those who do not remember anything or if the memory is weak, then they should drink water daily. This also keeps the mind sharp.


Drinking water on an empty stomach can make a person young again. Because morning water protects the human body from diseases.


People who are suffering from the problem of stones, they should drink at least one glass of lukewarm water after eating regular food.


There are many types of pain in the body. Like back pain and back pain etc. In such a situation, if you fill hot water in the bottle and apply it on the painful area, then it cures the pain.

Gout Pain:

Gout pain is cured by taking regular bath with salt water.

Vomiting & Diarrhea:

Sometimes the problem of vomiting occurs due to indigestion. Along with this, due to bad food, there is also the problem of diarrhea. The only way to avoid these two problems is to keep drinking clean water continuously.

High Fever:

Friends, if the fever has increased, then for this you have to put a cloth in cold water and compress it on the patient’s forehead. That is, the bandage of cold water has to be kept repeatedly on the forehead of the patient. This gives quick relief from fever.


Benefits of Water Therapy People suffering from constipation should drink water daily. This removes constipation.


Along with freshness, one gets energy by taking a bath with cold water. Know what is water therapy: Treatment of various diseases with water
In Ayurveda, the usefulness of water (water) has been described in the treatment of many diseases, which is popular worldwide in the name of water therapy. In foreign countries, water therapy is known as “Hydrotherapy”, the great master of Germany, Sarluikun, successfully cured many diseases by various uses of water.

Its importance has been told in Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine. Now it is also being adopted as an alternative medicine. Hydrotherapy is very popular in Japan and many diseases are being treated with it. This method is slowly becoming popular again in India as well.

There are many methods of hydrotherapy. Cold water bandage, hot water bandage, water dhauti, enema, steam bath, Kati bath, tub bath, ice etc. methods are beneficial in various diseases.

Pain, swelling, boils get cured by compressing it with hot-cold water. Bake for three minutes in hot water, then one minute in cold water. In this way, baking twice in the morning and evening for ten minutes definitely gives benefit.
When going through a stressful situation, drink a glass of cold water. It increases your energy.

Relieve stress with hydrotherapy – Stress can be relieved by steam bath. To take steam bath at home, make the patient sit on a chair. Cover it from all sides with a blanket. Keep a cooker filled with water on the gas stove far away. Remove the whistle and install a long pipe. Carefully place one end of the pipe under the patient’s chair.

Before this, give a glass of water to the patient and keep a towel soaked in cold water on the head. Steam bath removes the scum of the skin. The pores of the body are opened. There is lightness in the body. Skin brightens. The tension is reduced. Steam bath is also beneficial in back pain.

Precautions: Do not take steam bath if you have high blood pressure. If heat is not tolerated, stop treatment immediately.

If there is pain in the stomach, then soaking it in a hot water bar or rubber bottle filled with hot water, it ends stomachache. Often stomach-ache is caused by wrong eating habits, due to which gas is formed in the stomach and gas causes cramps. Taking enema is also beneficial for this. Enema removes accumulated stool or gas from the stomach.

If there is a disease of sweating in the feet, then feet should be kept in hot water and then in cold water for five minutes respectively. Then after rubbing wipe it and use this for at least a week. Other physical disorders can also be overcome by this remedy of water therapy.

Water therapy for proper digestion: Waist bath is very beneficial for this. Fill the big tub with water. Make the patient sit in the tub by taking off his clothes in such a way that water comes up to his navel. Place the patient’s feet outside on a table. Place a wet towel on the patient’s head and ask the patient to rub it around the navel by giving a cotton cloth.

Give this water therapy for 20 to 30 minutes. It provides relief in constipation and improves digestion. In an asthma attack, immerse hands and feet in warm water and drink hot water before sleeping at night. Drinking only hot water is beneficial even when there is an attack.

Sleeping by washing feet with cold water in summer and warm water in winter helps in good sleep.

To remove the fatigue in the legs due to excessive walking, climbing, etc., put some salt in warm water in the evening and keep it immersed for five to ten minutes, all the fatigue will go away.

In the complaint of stomach ache, soak a hot water bag, this hydrotherapy will give relief.

If the gums swell and hurt, then rinse with warm water. In toothache, keep tolerable warm water in the mouth for two minutes, then keep very cold water for two minutes. By repeating this action four to five times, toothache will disappear.

If any part of the body gets burnt, immediately pour cold water on it until the burning is gone. Immersing the burnt part in ice water is an even more beneficial remedy. This remedy of water therapy will not only give quick relief, but also there will be no trace of burn.

Keep a cold-water bandage over the wound until medicine is available. Keep it wet. By changing the bandage two or three times a day, and repeating it, small wounds get cured just like that.

In high fever, keeping cold water strips on the forehead and soaking them frequently and changing them reduces the temperature of the body.
Water therapy for gall fever – In gall fever, pouring cold water on the navel of the patient gives immense benefits.

The patient of gall fever should be made to lie on his back. Then put a copper or bronze vessel which is deep on its pelvis – and then drop a torrent of cold water into it. This method gives immediate benefit in gall fever.

Hydrotherapy in case of heatstroke- When a person gets heat stroke, he becomes unconscious in case he cannot bear the heat. Such a person should lie in a cool and ventilated place. A fan of khus or dates should be soaked in water and ventilated with it.

Splash cold water on the face. Take off the clothes of the patient and bathe him with cold water. After soaking dry greens of a gram or gram straw in water, after some time soaks a cloth in that water and rub it on the patient’s body, it provides great benefit.

Sometimes due to excessive heat in the body or due to some reason, blood starts coming out of the nose. It is also called bursting nose. In such a situation, cold water should be splashed on the nose of the patient. Also pour cold water on the head and keep a cold-water bandage on the patient’s head. The patient will get relief in no time.

Dizziness occurs due to weakness or some disease, or due to lack of blood. In such a situation, sprinkle cold water on the patient’s mouth and make him lie down in a ventilated place or air his air simultaneously with the fan. Dizziness stops as soon as the patient is given cold water.

Hydrotherapy for Cholera – Cholera is a contagious disease. This disease is usually caused by drinking dirty water and eating rotten and stale food items. To avoid this, never drink dirty water. Keep food items covered. Do not eat rotten fruits and vegetables. Drink boiled milk only.

Vomiting and diarrhea are common in cholera. Therefore, do not take the medicine that stops vomiting and diarrhea, let the vomiting and diarrhea occur freely, so that all the poison comes out from the stomach. For this, add salt to hot water and give that water to him and make the patient vomit. This will bring out all the cholera infection. After this, give lemon water to the patient.

Insomnia or lack of sleep is mostly due to mental reasons. Wrong eating habits, anxiety, staying up late at night, having gas in the stomach, heaviness in the chest, body ache, drinking more tea at night, consuming more coffee, etc. lead to insomnia. This disease is found in abundance in the urban population.

Remedy: Take bath with cold water before sleeping. While taking a bath, pour a stream of water on the head. Take light food at night.

Hydrotherapy Remedies for Gas Treatment – Kunjan Kriya proves to be very effective in curing stomach gas. When the amount of bile becomes more in the body and there is complaint of indigestion, then the patient should cure his stomach by vomiting.

For this, first heat 5-6 glasses of drinking water. Add a teaspoon of salt to it. Now sit in Kagasan and drink water. After that walk for 5 to 10 minutes. Then bend forward and reverse. This is called ‘kunjan kriya’. It cures gas related diseases. Inside the body gets cleaned. After that you will feel much lighter. Precautions: People with high blood pressure should do this only after

Consulting a Doctor.

As soon as the weather changes, “Jal Neti Kriya” of water therapy is beneficial to get rid of colds and colds. Take a lotus, mix lukewarm water and half a teaspoon of salt in it, apply it in the nose and open the mouth and inhale and remove the water from the other nostril. Jal neti not only gives relief from the problem of cold and cold, it also increases the light of the eyes. Hair does not turn white prematurely. Headache is cured.

Mix 10-20 grams of cumin powder in one liter of water and heat it. When the quantity of water is three-fourth, then cool it and filter it. Drinking this water is very beneficial in bleeding, all diseases of uterus, diseases during pregnancy like abortion, wind and bile diseases. Apart from this, it is also beneficial in burning of hands and feet, white leucorrhoea, irregular menstruation and eye diseases.

Apart from hydrotherapy, other interesting and informative facts about water
How much water in the body – Up to 60 percent of the blood in our body, 84 percent in the brain, 77 percent in the muscles, 73 percent in the liver, 67 percent in the cartilage, 22 percent in the bone and 15 percent in the fat. Similarly, almost 3 liters of water is used by our body every day.

In this way, the lack of water coming out of the body is met by the water in the food in some quantity, yet to maintain the water balance in the body, two and a half to three liters, i.e. 8 to 10 glasses of water in 24 hours. Must drink which depends on the season and the person’s body and routine. For example, people who work hard in harsh sunlight need to drink more water than other people.

You will be surprised to know that humans can survive for 40 days without food, but not more than 7 days without water. It is the most important element found in our body. On an average, an adult’s body holds between 35 and 50 liters of water, that is, 60 to 75 percent of its own weight.

Importance of water – According to the principle of water therapy, water reaches the body and makes the body agile, maintains the balance of moisture of the body and reduces its excessive heat. It dissolves the essential nutrients of food and makes them absorbable by the body. Maintains body temperature balanced by removing unnecessary bodily substances from the body through stool, urine and sweat.

Water keeps the blood fluid, so that nutrients reach every cell equally. Due to lack of water, stool becomes dry, constipation occurs. Urine becomes yellow and comes with burning sensation. On the contrary, when there is a lack of water in the body due to diarrhea, the person can also die due to dehydration.

According to the principle of water therapy, drinking more water than normal condition is beneficial in case of fever, heatstroke, and urinary diseases, blood pressure, heart palpitations, constipation, stomach irritation.

A year ago, we had published an article about water, in which the benefits of water, the right way to consume it and when not to drink water, we had explained in detail on this topic, which you people appreciated a lot. You will definitely benefit from the measures.

Certificate in Ayurveda Herb Cultivation

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