

Eccentric Journey Of Pankaj Rohilla CEO Of NGO DAD- Disha Arogya Dham

Dr. Pankaj Rohilla

We happen to perceive the journey of Pankaj Rohilla and hear about the founder and how challenging it could be for an NGO CEO to constantly keep on moving, irrespective of the hurdles. Pankaj Rohilla is the CEO Of NGO DAD- Disha Arogya Dham, Jaipur.

A non-profit that seeks to help committed, experienced, talented, and above all full of dedicated children and old age people who need help which could be health-wise and education-wise.

Behind every non-profit organization is a talented, dedicated, non-profit founder with a compelling mission and a transformational vision. Fundraising is one of the most challenging and stressful aspects. The road to securing donations is often fraught with disappointment. However, your commitment to supporting the children and old age makes you somewhat calm.

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What to expect

Anyone can start an NGO, but you’ll need more than just a great idea to make it work. It will not be easy, establishing an NGO wherever you are in the world can be an exhausting and challenging process, especially at the beginning. People of all ages and backgrounds in every country in the world create charitable organizations. They are determined to solve problems and tend to be determined and enthusiastic characters.

These qualities alone will not be enough to create a sustainable organization that makes an impact on the ground. You will need resources, knowledge, skills, and support throughout your journey. Ultimately, the organizations that survive and prosper are the ones that adapt to their environment and are prepared for every eventuality.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) refer to highly diverse groups of enterprises engaged in a wide spectrum of non-profit activities. The focus of NGOs can range from humanitarian and rural development to assisting local startups and businesses. There are roughly 3.7 million NGOs worldwide with an estimated 2 million of them in India.

Journey of Pankaj Rohilla with NGO DAD- Disha Arogya Dham

We happen to perceive the journey of Pankaj Rohilla and hear about how challenging it could be for an NGO CEO to constantly keep on moving, irrespective of the hurdles. Pankaj Rohilla is the CEO Of NGO DAD- Disha Arogya Dham, Jaipur. A non-profit that seeks to help committed, experienced, talented, and above all full of dedication to helping the children and old age people who need help which could be health-wise or education-wise.

“He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything”

People in India suffer from adverse health conditions owing to mainly two reasons like first the lack of education and thus lack of awareness; and second the unwillingness to lose a day’s wage to reach the nearest medical facility. Healthcare for the underprivileged, which is a desperate need, thus remains unaddressed.

The need of the hour is thus a two-pronged approach – first to bring quality healthcare services to the doorsteps of the needy and second to promote healthcare awareness and contemporary healthcare-seeking behavior among the underprivileged.

Disha Arogya Dham interventions work to improve the access to quality healthcare services for the poor and marginalized communities. By identifying the root causes of healthcare challenges, they work at the individual, community, and systemic levels to develop innovative solutions and help implement quality healthcare services. The ambit of their work includes improving overall health and treatment of diseases.

Many distinguished personalities had stressed that unless the social standards of the poor in our country are improved, then only we can have a cultured society. At present, there is no social value to the poor. Ignorance, illiteracy, orthodoxies, lack of skill, and no job opportunities prevail in the poor.


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Disha Arogya Dham story

Disha Arogya Dham (DAD) Programs

  • Health & Wellness
  • Child Protection
  • Education & Development
  • Disaster Relief
  • Community Development
  • Livelihood

The areas where DAD wants to concentrate:

1. Health:

Establishing health care institutions in places that are deprived of these basic health care facilities. Proper care must be taken by fulfilling the health and social needs of clusters like women, the elderly, and the vulnerable. There are many specific health issues like cancer patients, people suffering from AIDS, problems arising during pregnancy, etc all these need undivided focus from NGOs, and DAD is involved in all such activities which can improve or cure conditions of such people who are constantly in need of financial and physical help.

DAD ever since its inception is actively involved in the promotion of human well-being. It has strengths and resources that are essential and also it makes it able to function as effective and dynamic agents in this health care system.

2. Ignorance:

People were unaware of so many simple ways and means of general health, hygiene, cooking, water storage, waste management, kitchen garden, use of natural resources available around them. It was sheer ignorance. DAD is aware that once, if some hard workouts of their daily life are reduced, they will have confidence in us and then they will accept us as their good friends. It will be easier than to take away their ignorance.

DAD knows that on the State level lots of research and experiments are done to reduce human efforts and make living simpler. The use of solar electricity, biogas generation for cooking, rainwater harvesting, use of modern methods of agriculture for the increase in agricultural output, simple tools, and gadgets, good sanitation system, low-cost housing, Govt. schemes for various rural development activities are available. DAD passes on this information to rural areas so that they can take advantage of those methods to improve their living conditions.

3. Illiteracy:

Illiteracy is the main hurdle in any development. This is mainly due to the non-availability of educational institutions, competent teaching staff, parents’ negative attitude, lack of interest in the study among students and there are many more excuses. Though this scenario is changing a bit now, the agony is that the students are not allowed for higher education. Modern technology is the success of a development. Modern technology does evolve to improve our living conditions.

What is available for our improvement? How much it is useful to us. How it has created job opportunities. What are the minimum educational standards required if we have to get good job opportunities?  DAD wishes to bring about changes in the minds of these people by motivating them; creating interest among the students by removing the fear of study from their minds.

4. Orthodoxies:

It’s a virus that is destroying social health. There are so many wrongs to believe which are big hurdles in the path of progress. Some old concepts are being followed from generation to generation. Perhaps that concept may be useful in ancient times, but in the present era, they have to be tested on a social and scientific footing. People are not aware of how similar types of situations are tackled by the outside world.

For every incidence, there is a logical or scientific reason and for every problem, there is a solution. Orthodoxy is still followed in many parts of our country. DAD removes patiently and skilfully the wrong practices followed by these rural people and teaches them the logical and scientific approach to find a solution to any problem.

5. Unemployment:

Economic growth is the key to the success of a development. The present status of the social environment is that the gap between rich and poor is quite large. Most of the poor are in rural areas. Lack of education, skill, and job opportunities are the causes of unemployment. The educational and technical talents are available in the rural population. What they lack are proper guidance and opportunities. Once the educational needs are fulfilled, the concentration will be focused on the development of vocational skills among the artisans.

Self-employment is the best option in this environment. There are various trades and courses now available which help promote self-employment. These people have their traditional skills in crafts and textiles. By exploring the market for their products, they can encash their crafts. There are also many Govt. schemes for rural development activities. DAD takes advantage of this and encourages the rural population to take part.

DAD Foundation supports mitigating the huge task of handling livelihood problems by various activities 


There are thousands and thousands of ghost villages in our mountainous regions across the country, where the youth have left their main occupation of agriculture in search of jobs.

Technical skill building through vocational training

The DAD Foundation-supported organizations for vocational training of youth in North India for their livelihood opportunities. The training course was designed after assessing the needs of the industry and the training was provided by conducting classroom sessions, and placements. The training course was guided by the guidelines of National Skill Development. The trades offered were mainly in hospitality, beautician, tailoring, and industrial mechanics. Apart from employment, the youth were linked with banks for financial assistance and the market to take advantage of opportunities. Skill-building projects were also supported by Dasha Arogya Dham in Jaipur, where more attention was paid to women.

Farm-based agriculture interventions

The DAD Foundation has supported projects across India to enhance the agro-based profession by providing agro-based packages. These projects were awarded to the National Foundation of India, which includes states like Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra. The components of the projects focused on improved farming practices for greater productivity. For cereal, vegetable, and other crops farmers were trained on seed selection, seed treatment, nursery making, transplantation of crops, vacancy, weed management, use of bio-fertilizers, vermicompost, harvesting, and overall crop management related practices.

Animal husbandry and dairy production

To increase household-level income, activities around poultry, piggery, dairy were also started. Initial assistance to eligible families was given under the project and technical inputs around the enterprise were also provided by experts who extended handholding support. For the dairy project, funding was given to establish cattle, fodder, chilling plants, collection centers, and even to formalize the distribution system.

Leveraging government schemes for employment

Engagement with government schemes has been one of the strategies that the DAD Foundation is promoting. Advantages of programs were skill development and entrepreneurship in developing training modules and evaluation of candidates, for agricultural projects. Support was given to obtain technical information from the Centre for Agricultural Sciences and other agricultural institutes. The project also provided provisions for agricultural equipment such as water pumps/motors for greater access.

Areas where Disha Arogya Dham sought the help of a donation

Hospitals are undergoing acute crises. People urgently need more oxygen cylinders and concentrators to save lives. The campaign started as a self-funded mission to help all hospitals across the country reach oxygen concentrations immediately.

Disha Arogya Dham works with children and youth on the autism spectrum. They have both treatment and educational programs. Having created our own autism-specific arts curriculum, they are currently working on an academic treatment and curriculum designed to help autistic children learn and learn more effectively. Working with the latest technology, smart devices, Ayurveda and Naturopathy treatments, and a teacher-student ratio of 1.5, DAD is getting results that were not possible in India with autism.

DAD is working for sustainable rural development and livelihood opportunities for small landowners, especially single women.

The families who live in slums want to educate their children. We are opening a school for free education and providing books.

Around 50% of daily wages workers lost their jobs during this CORONA period, DAD provides such families with food and clothes

2000 Children need baby vaccinations & ophthalmic treatment in Rajasthan. Their families belong to slum shelters. DAD is actively working to help them.

Pankaj Rohilla’s inspiration behind NGO Disha Arogya Dham


Pankaj Rohilla got inspiration from his mother for starting his journey and setting up an NGO which today is serving innumerable people across the country. She taught him to love and be loved. She taught me self-respect, to love unconditionally, taught me to share, to be patient and calm and she provided unconditional strength to move forward irrespective of the biggest challenge. She taught him to help the needy and poor, and keep doing that again and again, making the earth a better place for everyone.

Pankaj Rohilla wished to expand his endeavor of helping underprivileged children and people who need health care needs like nourishing food, medicinal help, education, water, etc., by bringing a much larger number into mainstream help. Challenges are what make life exciting and success sweet. The struggles of running the NGO come in a lot of shapes and sizes. The thought process of society has to change. Changes need to be done within and outside of the system too. There is always an encouraging start especially for an NGO, but as the poet said-

“I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep”

The success is not just the number of people we have helped, but the number of lives that we can bring change in, the mindsets of people. DAD NGO is relentlessly progressing and doing all it can with the volunteers and partners, which has joined hands to make the change in working towards a better life and better health of underprivileged people. But what is much required is the government’s help to take this to a larger scale. They have the infrastructure and DAD have the passion to bring in the change, together that can help so many people across the nation.

Pankaj’s intense drive towards providing healthcare service to mankind


As of now, quality healthcare is the privilege of a well-off minority. Semi-urban and rural settings still have problems of accessibility to primary healthcare check-ups and follow-ups, awareness of lifestyle disorders, lack of counseling about menstrual healthcare, non-availability of medical infrastructure, among others. Pankaj Rohilla himself is most motivated towards healthcare facilities to be provided to the people in need. With this goal in mind, he is involved in several healthcare programs, a multi-faceted project that focuses on establishing sustainable practices and spreading awareness regarding preventive and primitive health among the rural masses.

It was born out of an attempt to reduce dropout rates among children due to unhygienic environments, lack of proper nutrition, or healthcare. From immunization programs for children and the provision of nutritious food, prenatal & postnatal care, supplementary nutrition, curative treatments, deforming, and family planning. DAD also started health camps for seasonal diseases like malaria and dengue, and chronic ailments like TB, AIDS, leprosy, and cancer detection.

Running sanitation drives for clean toilets, hygienic homes, and potable water. In addition, there are also regular health education and awareness camps in the community regarding illnesses like cataracts and diabetes. DOD addresses the healthcare needs of poor and underprivileged members of various communities through projects through community meetings, health camps, counseling, dental treatments, and more.

Pankaj’s Dream Projects


Pankaj Rohilla himself is a reputed doctor on Naturopathy, and currently, around 150 clinics all over India spread across the country, with whom they have built their network are working together for this noble cause of helping unprivileged and underprivileged people with their health care needs.

  1. Pankaj is driven towards his dream of helping people in remote areas in Uttarakhand. There is one unfinished project in the tribal area above Bagaswar district, near the Pindari glacier very close to the China border in Uttarakhand which he wants to finish. The project is still under construction, but due to COVID, the project is currently on hold. Pankaj wants very soon to resume the construction of this project so the tribal people around the area can get good healthcare facilities.


  1. Pankaj’s other dream project is to open a hospital and school for children suffering from Autism.


As the parent of a child with Autism or ASD or related developmental delays, the best thing to do is to start treatment right away. Seek help as soon as any parent suspects something’s wrong. Don’t wait to see if your child will catch up later or outgrow the problem. The earlier children with autism spectrum disorder get help, the greater their chance of treatment success. Early intervention is the most effective way to speed up your child’s development and reduce the symptoms of autism over the lifespan.


  1. He also wants to have a building constructed as a “Vridh ashram”, an old age home for people who no longer can support themselves and need help for healthcare and carrying out daily routines like bathing, food, walking, etc.

He wants that more NGOs can combine with DAD so that they can build a big network through which they can help people in need.  

Few guidelines for people who like Pankaj wants to open an NGO and help needy people


  • If you are passionate and believe strongly in what you are doing, then make that passion your purpose.
  • Surround yourself with good people who believe in the work.
  • Once you commit, always start your day by remembering that the commitment is at the heart of your work.
  • Be resilient. Sometimes your journey might be very difficult and moving forward becomes hard. Don’t ever give up. Remember the reason you started the work.
  • Work closely with colleagues in your home country and internationally. Maintain good working relationships and listen to advice from the people around you.
  • Always recognize your colleagues’ loyal contributions, especially those working with you for many years.
  • Always make sure that you operate to the highest standards of good governance and integrity.
  • Lead your staff by your own example. Be prepared to work even harder than they do.
  • Always thank your donors, regardless of the size of their donation. Value and treasure everyone. Remember that they trust you to manage their contributions wisely.
  • Hold on to “attitude of gratitude.” This will serve you during tough times and ripple throughout your entire organization.