ACNE/PIMPLES (yuvana pidacus) is a very common skin problem that causes outbreaks of hives and sores on the face, neck, shoulders, back, chest, and buttocks.

Acne can affect people of all ages but mainly affects teenagers, but it also affects adults with its frequent and recurrent blemishes According to the survey, about 70% of the population suffers from it in adolescence.ACNE/PIMPLES

This common problem has resulted in cosmetic and emotional discomfort and many conditions such as avoiding eye contact.
Girls wear heavy make-up to hide pimples, although they know that it sometimes aggravates the situation.

Social withdrawal In extreme cases a social phobia may develop.

Some refuse to attend school, which can lead to poor academic performance and possibly unemployment in the future.

Some take sick days off work, risking their jobs or livelihoods.

What is Acne/Pimples?

Acne (pubescent pidacus) is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin marked by the eruption of pimples.

The skin is the largest organ in our body with a surface area of ​​more than six feet and it accounts for about 16 percent of your total body weight.

There are basically five functions of the skin:

  • The protection
  • Sensation
  • Emissions and heat regulation
  • Synthesis of Vitamin D
  • Water resistance from the external environment

Naturally fresh and healthy skin is the protector and expression of beauty of our body, but unhealthy skin is a real animosity towards our body which proves to be a great hindrance in the expression of true beauty.

According to Ayurveda, acne is not only a skin related problem but also an imbalance in the internal metabolism which can arise due to many reasons.

Eating habits- which include irregular eating habits, oily food, more spicy food, unhealthy food, restricted food, canned food, frequent use of soft drinks and other beverages, junk food etc.

Physical activities such as washing your face with cold water after exposure to the sun, exposure to dust, etc.

  • Chemical exposure – Overuse of cosmetics which are very harmful to the skin.
  • Hormonal imbalance.Psychological factors – such as depression, anxiety, sleeplessness

 How are acne formed?

Acne is a skin lesion or inflammation of the skin that occurs when the sebaceous glands located at the base of the hair follicles become overactive, swollen and filled with pus due to bacterial infection.

According to Ayurveda, the above mentioned factors cause an imbalance of Kapha and Vata dosha (two basic elements of our body) (two basic elements of our body) causing dyspepsia (agnimandya). This will result in the build-up of toxins, malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin (Medho dhatu), thereby impairing the blood and thinning the hair roots leading to acne.


 External applications that kill bacteria by inducing oxygen into the affected pores or follicles are in greater use nowadays. It is important to note that oxidation causes free radicals and leads to rapid aging of the skin which is more dangerous.

The aim of Ayurveda is to treat the root cause of the disease and not just treat the symptom. At DAD Ayurveda Multispecialty Ayurveda Hospital, we treat the individual/patient(s) instead of treating the disease as not every person will have a common causative factor, some may have a single causative factor while some others may have multiple causative factors. There may be a combination. , We analyze the causative factor properly and then decide on the treatment so that the patient can be free from acne.

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